Multi-Family Entry Door Systems

37 Product Descriptions STC OITC EWR STC OITC EWR Test System System System Door Door Door Report 6'8" Patio Fiber-Classic / Smooth-Star Hinged 26 24 28 27 25 30 74367.01-113-11 8'0" Patio Fiber-Classic / Smooth-Star Hinged 27 23 ITS 3013634-001 Lites Only 22" x 64" Clear Laminate Lite with Aluminum Frame 38 31 38 TL08-647 22" x 64" Decorative Laminate Lite with Aluminum Frame 39 32 38 TL08-648 22" x 80" Clear Laminate Lite with Aluminum Frame 38 31 38 TL08-651 22" x 80" Decorative Laminate Lite with Aluminum Frame 38 31 38 TL08-652 22" x 64" Clear Laminate Lite with BTS Frame 38 31 37 TL08-646 22" x 64" GBG Laminate Lite with BTS Frame 38 31 38 TL08-649 22" x 80" Clear Laminate Lite with BTS Frame 38 31 37 TL08-650 22" x 80" GBG Laminate Lite with BTS Frame 38 31 38 TL08-653 Noise Reduction Doors – STC Testing